Article about fashion


A short story about British Fashion

The United Kingdom is one of the leading countries in the world of fashion. London is one of the four fashion capital cities in the world. London’s first fashion week took place in 1984 and since then, London has maintained its great role in the world of fashion…

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Mary Quant

Mary Quant is a British designer who has made her mark on the fashion history. Find out more about one of the greatest British designers. Mary was born in 1934 in Blackheath in South East London. Her parents are of Welsh origin and were teachers…



John Galliano

John Galliano is a British designer. He is famous for his outrageous designs and her work for Givenchy (1995-1996) and especially, for his work at Dior (1996-2011). Discover his life history, his inspiration, his career. John Galliano was born in Gibraltar…